Do you currently have reliable internet at home? *
Your answer
Preferred Email Address *
Your answer
Which high school do you currently attend? Please spell out your high school name! Do not abbreviate it. *
Your answer
What grade are you currently in? *
What career pathway are you interested in? Select as many pathways that interest you! *
Parent Information
We would like to invite your parents to CareerWise information nights and provide them information on the program. Please provide us their information below.
Parent/Guardian First Name
Your answer
Parent/Guardian Last Name
Your answer
Parent/Guardian Email Address
Your answer
What race(s) do you identify with? (optional)
If your race was not listed, please write it here. (optional)
Your answer
What gender do you identify with? (optional)
Your answer
Thank you for your interest in the Apprenticeship Program! Please click SUBMIT. You will be contacted by one of our staff to learn about next steps.
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