Thank you for agreeing to take part in Luxmama Club & ParentPrep asbl's interview series as part of our #choice2haveamidwife campaign created to raise awareness & plant positive seeds for the importance of having more FREEDOM OF CHOICE in our BIRTH CHOICES because BIRTH IS SO INDIVIDUAL. (*1)
Based on the latest scientific evidence-based birth research and universal human rights in childbirth, birthing families should be able to access care under the continuity midwifery model of care (which sees birth as normal and is a humanised model) and not only have the choice of the medical/industrial model of care.
We want to acknowledge that the continuity midwifery model of care is THE gold standard (if well-staffed) for healthy birthing persons (the vast majority of the population) versus the status quo of only the medical model of care for all expectant families which is evidently the root cause of the concerningly high rate of unnecessary medical interventions in Luxembourg (*2).
Why is it then, that in Luxembourg, the State is not recognising this fact to properly support and grow the midwifery profession as is their responsibility per Universal Human Rights in Childbirth? (*3).
The short answer is:
There is big money in medicalised birth....
and the long answer is:
due to the longstanding (not-spoken-about) #INEQUALITY between the midwifery (predominantly female) & obstetric profession... (*4)
Ultimately the responsibility to fix this lies with the State (top-down) yet it is clear this will be hard to achieve with the strong medical lobbying swaying politics today... We therefore need all members of society and grass-roots organisations to engage on this topic to support the comeback of midwifery, from the bottom-up.
Read more about #choice2haveamidwife in a Luxmama Blog article (*5).
Download the presentation slides following Luxmama's Birth Culture Brunch held on 11 May 2019 in collaboration with the Luxembourg association of midwives (Alsf) themed #choice2haveamidwife. (*6)
Thank you for taking the time to answer the below questions honestly which will be reviewed and may be published on the Luxmama Blog. Thank you for being part of the change so we can #healbirthtohealearth. Please note your email address will not be published and you can specify whether you would like to remain anonymous.
* References: