Artist Funding Town Hall Survey

Local Kansas City artist funders want to hear from local Kansas City metro artists!

ArtsKC, Charlotte Street, Arts Council of Johnson County, GIFT of Troost, and Mid America Arts Alliance are seeking feedback about their funding programs. We would love your candid input and suggestions for improvement. We will use this feedback to continually improve our funding processes and ensure they are meeting community needs. Your answers are anonymous.

Results from this survey will be shared at the Artist Funding Town Halls on 6/12 and 6/18. 

Please fill out this survey by June 11!

Thank you for your feedback!
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Which local grants are you familiar with? (Mark all that apply) *
Rate your level of agreement with the following statement: I think that Kansas City has a strong and diverse range of grants available to artists. *
When applying for grants, are any of the following a significant barrier for you? (Mark all that apply) *
What, in the past and currently, do you need funding for? (Mark all that apply) *
What type of funding opportunities do you prefer? (Mark all that apply) *
Would you prefer organizations offer a larger quantity of smaller-dollar amount grants OR a smaller quantity of larger-dollar amount grants? *
Which career category would you consider yourself? Do you feel there is adequate local funding for your career level?
There is adequate funding for my career level
There is inadequate funding for my career level
Early Career (Emerging Artist)
Mid Career
Late Career (Established Artist)
Please tell us anything else you think is relevant to the local funding ecosystem! *
ArtsKC Specific Questions
If you are unfamiliar with ArtsKC funding, feel free to skip the next three questions.
The length of ArtsKC's Inspiration Grant application is appropriate for the dollar amount of the grant.
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ArtsKC Inspiration Grants are currently $2,500. Do you think this level of funding is adequate or inadequate to support your needs?
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If you answered inadequate above, what would be an adequate or ideal level of funding for your projects?
Thank you!
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