Volunteers Needed! FRES PTA Nominating Committee Form
In order to keep the FRES PTA running strong, we need new volunteers to answer the call and help shape the direction of the PTA going forward. The great programs and events are not possible without our dedicated volunteers.

We thank you for your interest in joining the 2022-2023 FRES PTA Executive Board!   Serving on the board is a great way to stay involved in your child’s education, be connected with the FRES staff and families and make a difference!  Position descriptions are listed below.  Make as many selections as you would like. ALL POSITIONS ARE OPEN and no experience necessary. In order to continue on, the PTA must have at least a President and Treasurer.

Executive Board members attend a monthly board check in, the general PTA meetings, and participate in various fundraising initiatives and events.

Officers will be voted for in June-May and the remaining positions will be filled beginning in September.  Board members serve (2) year terms and may not serve more than (2) consecutive terms in the same position.

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Name *
Phone *
Student(s) name and Grade (s) [You do not need to have a student at FRES to be on the Board. Positions are also open to extended family and community members.]
Have you paid your $10 dues for the 2021-2022 school year? (You must be a paid/active member to serve on the Board) *
OFFICERS: Officers are slated by the Nominating Committee (or current Board) and elected by the General membership. All positions are open, no experience required.  Select all you are interested in.  See detailed descriptions below.
Board Officer Descriptions
President: Directs the affairs of the FRES PTA in cooperation with the PTA Board and FRES staff, complies with National PTA, Free State PTA, and PTACHC policies. Presides over meetings and sets agenda. Oversees committees and outgoing communication. Voting member of PTACHC.

Treasurer: Serve as the custodian of all funds of the association, maintaining a complete and accurate account of all financial records; Submit a proposed annual budget to the board of directors; Report the financial status of the association to the board of directors and during the annual meeting; Prepare and file the IRS Form 990 Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax; Prepare accounts for audit annually;

VP1: Perform the duties of the president in the event the president is absent or temporarily unable to execute the duties of the office; oversees half of the committees including fundraising and membership.

VP2: Oversees half of the committees including signature events and assists with volunteer coordination.

Recording Secretary: Record and maintain the minutes of all meetings of the board of directors, executive committee, and the members; Send, or cause to be sent, notice of meetings of the members and of the board of directors;

Corresponding Secretary - Communicate with general membership through email, website, and social media. Send thank you notes for donations and community partnerships. Works with Recording Secretary to prepare annual summary of PTA events and activities.

PTA Council of Howard County Delegate (2): Attend monthly PTA Council of Howard County, MD (PTACHC) meetings and give a verbal and written report to the membership; submit FRES PTA vote on issues.

View bylaws at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uh5KYZsVxqtgHep7WRGpPsBy5FVwJDjy/view?usp=sharing

STANDING COMMITTEES: Chairperson appointed by President and approved by Executive Board. All positions are open, no experience required.  Select all you are interested in.  See detailed descriptions below.
Do you have any additional questions? Email treasurer@frespta.org or submit questions below.
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