Cook Recruitment for Playfight events
Email *
Full name (first name and last name) *
Phone number *
Tell Us About Yourself
Tell us a bit about yourself in 1–2 sentences *
Is this your first Playfight Immersion/Training? *
Why are you interested in the Playfight Immersion/Training?
Why are you interested in cooking for Playfight events?
For which events and in which country/ies would you like to cook? Are you applying for a particular event? *
The full exchange to be a cook in a Playfight event means taking care of cooking and food management. This includes: 

- Deciding on recipes (we will support with a call for input, approx. 3h)
- Calculating and buying the food (food management, (approx. 10h)
- Cooking during the event (approx. 30h):
    *During breaks, most of the time you'll be in the kitchen preparing meals. During this moment, you can have the support of the participants and during this timeframe only.
    *If there's a cook helper (if the Immersion is bigger than 15 participants), you can decide together when to collaborate (helps you 4h/day)
    *Before each meal you will need to spend 1-2 hours cooking or warming food and will have to step out of the training for this time.

For the full exchange you'll receive:
- Free accommodation (value dependent on venue)
- Immersion and facilitator training paid (value €1380–1480 depending on country event is located in)
- €150 per event, if there are more than 15 participants
- and more if there are revenues left
-there is another option where you are cooking for the events "fulltime" (accomodation paid) and get another event in the coming year for free (accomodation not paid)

If  you wish to just cook, you will still need to be present for the food shopping, together with the food manager.

I understand and agree to offer:
Your Cooking Experience
What cooking experience do you have? *
How many people are you used to cooking for?
Do you know how to cook vegan food? I.e. balanced with enough proteins... *
Have you already experienced sustainable cooking, e.g. plastic free, reusing leftovers? If so, could you describe your experience?
Do you feel comfortable cooking for around 30 people? *
Food Management
Part of the cook's job is food management, meaning looking for local producers, buying and collecting fruit & veg, checking you have all the tools needed for cooking and cleaning, etc.
How familiar are you with the local area? *
Do you have access to a car?
We'd like to know if you could pick up the food from the local stores and producers.
Have you calculated amounts of food for groups before? *
In your past experience, have you ever created a simple but tasty menu in the price range of €6–8 per person per day? *
Please tick all the tasks you would need support for: *
Do you have your own cooking equipment and would you bring it? *
Final Questions
Are you interested in being contacted again for future events, either as a cook or participant? *
If yes, where do you live? 

You can also share whether you would be willing to travel to cook at events. If so, please state which countries you could travel to.
If yes, which language(s) do you speak?

We'd like to understand if you'd be able to communicate with local producers and the training center.
Are you willing to participate as an assistant cook for €120 reduction for the event? 

The exchange would be the following :
- Supporting the cook 2–3h per day at the rate: €7.5 per hour for the immersion + the facilitator training 
- Immersion (3 days x 3h x €7.5) + training (3 days x 2h x €7.5)
Is there anything you'd like to share after completing this document?
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