Hiring Those with A Criminal Record
HR Professionals & Hiring Managers,

This survey will take  minutes. We are a team of researchers looking for solutions to get previously incarcerated people back into work.

Your answers will remain ANONYMOUS & PRIVATE and are for research purposes only.

We encourage you to reach out to anyone who would be interested in this survey. We are offering a $20 amazon gift card to anyone with whom we complete a phone interview, which this survey qualifies you for.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name (or write 'Anonymous') *
Have you ever interviewed anyone with a criminal record? *
Have you ever interviewed anyone that went to prison? *
Have you ever hired anyone with a criminal record? *
Have you ever hired anyone that went to prison? *
For what reason would you not hire someone with a criminal record? *
For what kind of positions would you consider someone who had been incarcerated? *
What kind of positions would you definitely not consider an ex-inmate for? *
What offenses would you not consider for hire? *
What offenses would you consider for hire? *
What is the risk of hiring someone with a criminal record? *
What could be the benefit of hiring someone with a criminal record? *
What redeeming features would make you hire someone with a criminal record? *
Are you available for an interview between 4/20 and 4/25? *
Email or number to contact you if you are interested in doing the interview.
If so, which method would be best for you? *
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