Metro Transit Midway Listening Session

🚇 Thank you for registering to attend our "Metro Transit Midway Listening Session" with General Manager Lesley Kandaras, Chief Operating Officer Brian Funk, Metro Transit Police Chief Ernest Morales III, and Metropolitan Council Transportation Chair Deb Barber! 

This neighborhood conversation about public transportation in the Midway will take place on Thursday, February 22 from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM at the Bethlehem in the Midway located at 436 N Roy St, Saint Paul (one block away from the Snelling Avenue Station).

The first hour of the program will include our guests from the MET Council and Metro Transit, who will be leaving at 7:00PM. The last half hour will be a community discussion on what we've heard, what we've learned, and sharing ideas on proactive, tangible steps we can take as communities!

Additionally, we welcome you to submit any thoughts, concerns, or questions you may have in advance using the section below. Your input is invaluable in shaping the future of public transit in the Midway.

A meal will also be provided! Please let us know if you have any dietary restrictions below as well.

While the event is free to attend, we will be "passing the hat" and accepting good will donations to purchase public transit cards. These will be made available to neighbors in need at our local midway food shelves.

Don't miss this opportunity to engage directly with Metro Transit and Metropolitan Council leadership and contribute to the improvement of our public transportation system. We look forward to your participation in this important conversation!

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What neighborhood are you coming from? 
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What are your biggest concerns about public transportation in our neighborhood?
What questions do you have for our guest speakers?
Are there any special accommodations' you may need to attend the event?
We will have food available for attendees! Do you have any dietary restrictions? *
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