Equity Incident Reporting Tool
The Bexley City School District is committed to fostering a school culture that encourages students to "Learn with Curiosity, Demonstrate Kindness, and Embrace Equity."  We realize incidents may occur that contradict our values of equity, empathy, inclusion, integrity, respect, responsibility, and well-being. We want to be able to respond and proceed with the appropriate actions to eliminate discrimination in our schools.

This online Equity Incident Reporting tool serves as an opportunity to report incidents related to discrimination based upon the following protected classes: Disability, Sexual Orientation, Religion, National Origin, Race/Color, Gender Identity, Sex or Age.

We are also committed to the highest level of confidentiality regarding the results of all equity-related investigations and the consequences that are imposed. This is to protect the privacy of all persons involved.

To protect people against false accusations, the district has policies (ACAA-R, JFC-R) that prohibit anyone from misrepresenting facts or falsely accusing someone, especially when such action is intended to cause harm to another. All reports generated from the Equity Incident Reporting Tool will be sent to Dr. Stephen Lewis, Leader of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

More information about Bexley Schools' Diversity, Equity and Inclusion efforts is available on the district's website.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Dr. Stephen Lewis Sr., Leader of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, at stephen.lewis@bexley.us.
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Email *
Reporting Person Name *
Reporting Person Email *
Reporting Person Phone Number *
Reporting Person School Association *
Incident Details: When did the incident take place (Date/Approximate Time) *
Incident Details: Which building did the incident take place? *
Incident Details: Where did the incident take place? *
Incident Details: Type of Discrimination *
Incident Details: Form of Discrimination *
Incident Details: What happened? (Please be specific) *
Incident Details: Were witnesses present? If yes, please provide specific details. If no, please indicate N/A *
Incident Details: Please provide any additional details that were not previously indicated that you want to share.
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