Miramonte Parents' Club: open volunteer positions for the 2025-2026 school year 

Hello, current and incoming Miramonte families!

We need all hands on the wheel next year! Several parent leaders are graduating, so we have a few open positions on the Miramonte Parents’ Club board. It’s a great time for first- and second-year parents to step up and take the lead! We can't do all that we do for our school without parent volunteers. 

There are some jobs perfect for working and busy parents, as well as some jobs for parents who have the time or inclination to take a bigger leadership role. Below, please indicate your interest or nominate someone who you believe would be interested, and we'll follow up right away.

If you have any questions, please contact Amy Stuffmann at Parliamentarian@mhspc.org.

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Email *
First name *
Last Name *
Grade(s) of your Miramonte student(s) (check all that apply to you for the current school year) *
Area of interest - please indicate the position(s) in which you are interested (check all that apply)
NOMINATE someone! Do you know someone who would be perfect for one of the positions listed above? Add their name here (and email address, if you have it), and we'll contact them!
Any other talents you'd like to share with our school?
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