CAHS Enrollment Interest Contact Form
Thank you for your interest in our program for the 2024-2025 school year! 

If you have been contacted by Classical Academy High School about an available spot for your child, or if you would like to be contacted when a spot is available, please complete the form below. 

Open Enrollment begins March 4, 2024.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Parent/Guardian Name: *
Phone Number: *
Student's First Name: (one form per student) *
Student's Last Name: (one form per student) *
Grade for 2024-2025 *
Program Preference: *
4-Day Studio (Studio Campus)
3-Day Workshop (PL Campus)
Virtual (PL Campus)
Independent Study (PL Campus)
1st choice
2nd choice
3rd choice
4th choice
How did you hear about us? *
What school does your child attend now? If your child currently attends one of our Classical schools, how many years have they been continuously enrolled? *
Does your student have a sibling currently at Classical Academy High? *
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