2024/25 RSA Elite Tryout Registration
Welcome to RSA Elite Tryout Registration for the 2024/25 soccer year.  Please complete this short form to sign up for RSA Elite Tryouts. There is no cost for tryouts!
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Email *
Player Name *
Player Date of Birth *
Boys/Girls Division *
Players last year team/club? *
Parent Name(s)
Best contact phone # *
By checking the box below, you (parent and/or lawful guardian of the Rainier Soccer Alliance registered minor (player) hereby releases Rainier Soccer Alliance (“Club”), its subsidiaries, agents, team managers, volunteers, assistants, team parents, sponsors, officers, directors, coaches and all other parties of interest from all claims and causes of action, including but not limited to, all damages of any kind which may arise from or out of the Rainier Soccer Alliance minor’s participation in any club related activity. *
WYS & RSA Medical Release Waivers
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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