R.E.A.L. Man Student Athlete Survey
To be completed by the student athletes of the R.E.A.L. Man Program
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School *
Age *
Grade *
Sports (list all) *
Ethnicity *
To what extent did you enjoy the R.E.A.L. Man Program? *
Not at all
Very much so
To what extent do you feel that your athletic performance has increased as a result of the R.E.A.L. Man Program? *
Not at all
Very much so
To what extent has the relationship of the team improved as a result of the R.E.A.L. Man Program? *
Not at all
Very much so
Do you have a better sense of right vs wrong as a result of the R.E.A.L. Man Program? *
Not at all
Very much so
To what extent do you feel that your character has improved as a result of the R.E.A.L. Man Program? *
Not at all
Very much so
To what extent has your approach to life been changed as a result of the R.E.A.L. Man Program? *
Not at all
Very much so
If possible, please elaborate on this new approach to life.
Do you respect others more now as a result of the R.E.A.L. Man Program? *
Not at all
Very much so
Do you respect yourself more now as a result of the R.E.A.L. Man Program? *
Not at all
Very much so
Do you respect your community and school more now as a result of the R.E.A.L. Man Program? *
Not at all
Very much so
How likely are you to teach your friends whom haven't been taught the R.E.A.L. Man Program lessons you've learned?
Not likely
Very likely
Clear selection
Which lesson (or lessons) did you most enjoy? *
If possible, please explain why this lesson (or lessons) was the most enjoyable to you.
If you were to be taught the R.E.A.L. Man Program again, what would you change?
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