PHPConf.Asia - Call for Proposal
PHPConf.Asia 2015 is the first Pan-Asian PHP conference. It is a 2 day, single track conference happening on 22 and 23 September 2015 in Singapore.

The talk formats are as follows:

- 45 minute talks.
- 15 minute lightning talks.

We are looking for talks of various levels - beginners, intermediate and advanced.

Thematically, you could focus on one of the following keywords: web development, front-end development, backend development, DevOps, big data, enterprise applications, Internet of Things, frameworks, advanced OOP, TDD, BDD, agile methodologies, disruptive technologies, robotics, etc.

Closing date for CFP submission is 15 July 2015.

Speaker Package:
- Free ticket to PHPConf.Asia
- For speakers from overseas: Accommodation during conference days + 1 day (3 days)

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First name / Given name *
Surname *
Email *
Country *
GitHub *
Just your GitHub username will do.
Twitter *
Company *
Job Title *
Biography *
A short description about yourself.
Talk Proposal
Title *
A short title about your talk.
Description *
A short introduction about what you wish to talk about.
Format *
Other notes
Any other details that could help us evaluate your talk.
Have you given talks at other conferences before? *
Links to other talks you have given in the past
Online links to YouTube, SlideShare, SpeakerDeck, Google Slides, etc that could help us get a better idea of your past experiences in public speaking.
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