Fix Georgia Pets Grant Application
Fix Georgia Pets (FGP) has given Southern Comfort Animal Rescue (SoCo) a grant to help residents with the cost of spaying and neutering of their pets.  Please complete each question in the application.  Incomplete applications will not be considered.  Once we review your application, we will reach out to you.  Thank you.
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First and Last Name *
Phone number *
Email address *
Preferred form communication *
Address *
County *
Please list:  Name of each pet, dog or cat, spay or neuter, if current on rabies vaccine. *
FGP asks that each grant recipient contribute to the cost of the procedure.  How much will you be able contribute? *
We use the Sandersville Vet Clinic in Sandersville.  Are you able to get your pet(s) to the vet? *
Is there anything else you would like us to know in considering your application? *
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