Florida Brittany Rescue | Rehoming Form
Please submit this form for review and someone from our rescue will contact you shortly.

Florida Brittany Rescue, Inc.
7725 261 Street East | Myakka City, Florida 34251
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By signing this contract, we relinquish all rights and ownership of our Brittany to the Florida Brittany Rescue and do hereby certify that to the best of our knowledge this dog has never bitten anyone in the past. It is our understanding that the Florida Brittany Rescue will make every effort to place the dog in an appropriate, loving home. In an effort to place this dog in an appropriate home, I also certify that the following information given below is as accurate and true as possible.

We understand that by agreeing to accept our dog, Florida Brittany Rescue will incur costs relative to the care and lodging of my dog and that other costs will be incurred in advertising for a new home and screening prospective adopters.

I understand that contributing a donation to the Florida Brittany Rescue helps to cover the costs of medical care and boarding rescued dogs, while loving homes are found.
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