Cruise Visitor Information
We are so excited that you are planning a visit to Mahahual! Please use this form to tell us a little more about your plans. We look forward to seeing you soon. Thank you!
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Name of your cruise ship:
Date of your arrival to Costa Maya port (Mahahual):
Time of your arrival to Costa Maya port (Mahahual):
Estimated time of arrival to the church:
How many people are in your group?
Does anyone in your group speak Spanish?
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Church affiliation:
Name of group leader:
Contact info for group leader (please provide email and/or phone number):
Are you willing to consider bringing items for the mission? (On-the-ground staff will let you know if there are items to consider. There is no obligation on your part at any time.)
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Are you interested in purchasing and donating any needed items for the mission? (On-the-ground staff will let you know if there are items to consider. There is no obligation on your part at any time.)
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Any other comments, questions, or helpful information regarding your visit?
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