Sozo Basic Seminar Sat. 2025 English

You want to learn more about SOZO and maybe even join the SOZO service or make SOZO your lifestyle? – Then the basic seminar with manual for post-study is just right for you: In this one-day seminar you will learn the history and biblical basics of SOZO from experienced teachers and mentors, you will learn the four basic tools of SOZO - "the father ladder", " the four doors", "presenting Jesus" and "the wall" - as well as "the father's ladder" and "the four doors" presented in short sessions. 

In addition to studying the relevant instructional DVDs and manuals, the basic seminar is also a prerequisite for carrying out further seminars and training courses.

At the end of the basic seminar, each participant will receive a certificate of attendance. This is also required, among other things, to found/start a certified SOZO service in the SOZO network Germany. You can continue your learning with us through the regular  Sozo intensive training courses. You progress at your own pace.

This seminar will be held mostly in English and translated into German.

Important: There is no elevator, no disabled access, no wheelchair access. There are 24 steps.

Parking on the street and behind the building.
Herborn train station is 100m from the front door.

Date: Sat 2025

Time: Sat 8:45 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Registration: Admission from

Registration deadline: 2025

Speakers Ceejay Haymen / Geoff Walker 

Address: Christliches Zentrum Herborn e.V. Kaiserstrasse 1, 35745 Herborn
Eateries: Doner, Pizza and Salad shops behind building
Only Tea, Coffee and Water will be made freely available

Cost (includes Sozo Basic/Advanced Book combined in English):

CZH members: 0€
Individual: 55€
Couple: 80€ (1 book) or 110€ for 2 books)
Students/pensioners/unemployed: 50€

Please transfer the agreed amount to the following bank account by 2025:

Konto-Inhaber: Christliches Zentrum Herborn e.V
Bank: VR Bank Lahn-Dill eG
IBAN: DE17 5176 2434 0026 1211 16
Verwendungszweck: Sozo Basic Seminar 2025

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Name of spouse, when  registering as a Couple


The training manual is included and will be handed out to the participants at the training location at the beginning of the seminar.

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