Interest in the Ally Skills Workshop
Kia ora,
Thanks for your interest in this Ally Skills Workshop! This workshop teaches simple, everyday ways to stand with people who are targets of marginalisation as an ally. Allies are people who use their voice and influence in support of equity.

Most of the time, we offer our workshops to organisations who bring us in to work with their employees.

However, we've had more requests lately to offer a workshop that's open to people from any organisation or community group. Please let us know if you're interested in one of these workshops. When we have enough interest, we'll put one together and let you know.

Ngā mihi nui,
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Why are you interested in doing an Ally Skills Workshop? *
Are there particular topics you would want us to cover in the workshop? Have you been in any challenging situations lately where you wanted to do more but weren't sure how to help? *
What kind of organisation do you work for? Or are you part of a community group that you think would benefit from this work? *
What city are you based in? (This is to see if we should offer an in-person workshop or a remote one on Zoom.) *
Is there anything else that you want us to know?
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