The number of participants needed will be assessed as required. If you would like to express your interest, complete this form.
In October 2020, the Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network (MYAN) sort out to engage with young people with disabilities from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Backgrounds. From this first step Grace and Cindy Co-chairs brought together 6 CaLD young people with disability together to do amazing things together. And we are looking to expand!
The YCDC meets fortnightly over zoom to discuss, plan and implement upcoming project and just general things in the world that affect our lives.
- Are you aged between 18-30 with lived experience of disability?
- Are you from a Refugee or Migrant background?
- Are you interested in joining a lived experience led group of young people with disabilities from CaLD background who come together to explore and discuss the wonders of this spaces of intersectionality and create change in our communities?
- Can you commit to 3 hrs a fortnight to join our passionate collective of young people over zoom?
* It is important that you are available Wednesday evenings. If you are not, we would still love to hear from you.
* Please keep in mind this is a grassroots volunteer group, however there may be some paid opportunities along the way.
All information collected in this application process will be confidential.
Please email Kate the MYAN Project Officer at: if you have any questions.