What is the desired publishing date for the content? *
Please try to allow at least 8 weeks for the Tutorial + Rules process (asset delivery, content creation, playtesting, feedback and fixes).
Game Title *
For which game title are you ordering the content for? If you're interested in ordering content for multiple titles, or are not yet completely sure which title it'll be, just fill in the info you have at this point and please contact Dized with additional details (b2b@dized.com)!
Your answer
Link to Rulebook and other game related URLs *
Please include a link to the rulebook and other links (like a video or the game's BGG page) that help the Dized team to evaluate this project.
Your answer
Name of Publisher *
Please fill in the Company Name
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Contact Person
Please provide information of the contact person for this project.
Name *
Please fill in Firstname Lastname
Your answer
Title *
What is your role in the company?
Your answer
Email *
Where can we reach you?
Your answer
Are the any additional details you would like to provide for the Dized team about this project?
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