Explain your reasons for wanting to become a Board Member and what specific Board roles you have an interest in *
Your answer
What are your parenting and homeschooling experiences and philosophy? What is important to you? How would you describe yourself as a homeschooling parent? * *
Your answer
What is your volunteer and/or professional background both with HSC and outside of HSC? *
Your answer
What specific training, skills, abilities, or areas of expertise do you have that might benefit HSC? *
Your answer
If there is not currently a board position available, would you be interested in any of the following volunteer position? *
Please provide the names and phone numbers of three persons who have worked with you on some kind of a project so that we can contact them.
1. Name & Contact Info *
Your answer
2. Name & Contact Info *
Your answer
3. Name & Contact Info *
Your answer
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