RR&D DragonMeet 2023 Demo GM Details Collector
We are recruiting to run a very special super secret megagame of DIE at DragonMeet in London on December 2nd 2023. We're ideally looking for folks who have run DIE before and are already attending DragonMeet.

Game details:
Session is 2pm-6pm. We're anticipating a 3 hour-ish game within that time.
We'll pay you £50 for the session.
There will be up to 6 GMs each running a DIE scenario where Kieron Gillen (played by Kieron Gillen) is a dimension-meandering NPC hopping between games.
The scenario will be sent out to GMs around 2 weeks before DragonMeet.
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What's your name? *
What are your pronouns? *
What's your Discord ID?
What email address should we contact you at? *
Are you already attending DragonMeet? *
Have you run DIE before? Tell us a bit about your game if so. If not, what interests or excites you about it? *
Can you tell us a little about your approach to safety tools, especially for a convention game? *
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