Volunteer Interest Form for the Moreland Pumpkin Patch 2024
Let us know if you are interested in any of the planning, set up, running, managing, or clean up of the pumpkin patch. This is not a commitment but, we will reach out to you via email to share more information.  The Pumpkin Patch will be open the evenings of the last three weekends in October, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
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Name *
Email *
Yes! I'm interested in volunteering or learning more about;  *
I think it would be great if you include this at the Pumpkin Patch (let us know if you are able to help coordinate it)  For example; I think it would be fun to have a paint your own pumpkin station and I can help with some creative ideas for that.
Are there any services that you can provide.  (for example, I can make or donate carnival games)
Comments :)
I'm interested in being on the MEF Board.  
School my child(ren) attend *
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