Holidays with the Belles | Volunteer Form
Hello! Thank you for your interest in volunteering at Holidays with the Belles in Dallas, TX on Feb 25, 2023.

All volunteers will be asked to arrive at 10:00 AM on Feb 25 and will be needed through the end of the event at approx. 6:00 PM. Volunteers will be given time prior to the event to have their own books signed. No specific dress code required. Specific positions may be asked to arrive earlier than 10:00. There may also be times the night before or earlier in the morning if you are available.

Volunteers are not required to have a ticket.
Volunteer positions include Registration, Ticketing, Line Control, Author Assistant, Social Media, Announcer, setup, cleanup, and more.

If you would like to volunteer during the event, please complete the form below. Please note that completion of the form does not guarantee a volunteer position. A follow-up email will be sent to confirm the assignment if chosen. Please only complete this form if you are planning on attending if chosen.

Thanks so much!
Erin, Katie  & Shannon
Southern Belle Events
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Have you ever volunteered at an author event before and if so, what job did you have? *
Please enter your t-shirt size below: *
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