Multi Arts virtual program 2020
Offers plenty of artistic and social activities that inspire children and bring happiness into their lives.
Art; Theatre; Dance; Playwriting; Mime; Story Telling; Mini-Book Making, and more

One-week workshop, Monday to Friday, 9:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M.

Please fill out this form, we will send you a Zoom link via email.
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Parent/guardian name *
Your email address. *
Parent/guardian cell phone
Child's name *
Child's age *
My child  will attend Workshop 5: August 3 - 7 (please check all that apply): *
Pay by DONATION. Suggested contribution:$50-$100 per class for the week.  All classes $200-$300 per week.  Or pay as you can *
Devise's Zoom ID. (this is the name that appears in our "waiting room" to admit you) *
Where do you look for information about programs for your child?
How did you learn about this program?
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