Peruvian Christmas Party 2021  Toy Registration  Chocolatada Navidena 2021 Registracion Juguetes
Deadline to complete this form is September 30, 2021    Fecha limite para completar este formato es el 30 de setiembre 2021
Event date: Sunday Dec 19, 2021  Time/hora: 5:00-8:00pm    Fecha de Evento:  Domingo 19 de Dic 2021
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What is your name?  Cual es tu nombre?
How did you hear about us?  Como escucho de nosotros?
What is the parent(s)'sfull name(s)?  Cual es el nombre de los padres completo?
What is child 1 name, age and sex?  Cual es el nombre del nin@ 1, edad y genero?
What is child 2 name, age and sex?  Cual es nombre del nin@ 2, edad y genero?
What is child 3 name, age and sex?  Cual es nombre del nino 3, edad y genero
What is your residential address?  Cual es su direccion de residencia?
What is your email?  Cual es su email?
What is your phone or cell number?  Cual es su numero de telefono o celular?
Can you attend?   Puede asistir? *
How many of you are attending? Cuantas personas asisten al evento?
What will you be bringing?  Que traera al evento?
Let us know what kind of dish(es) you'll be bringing
Do you have any allergies or dietary restrictions?  Tiene alergias o restricciones de dietas?
We are planning an adult Peruvian Christmas dinner as part of our fundraising strategy priced at $30 on December 16 at 7pm?  Are you willing to attend in person?
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