Real Love Ministries Invitation Request
If you are interested in inviting Real Love Ministries (RLM) to come and minister at your church or event, please fill out the information below and we will contact you to discuss details and make arrangements. Thank you for your interest in Real Love Ministries!
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What is the name of your ministry? *
What is the street address of your ministry? *
In what City is your ministry?
In what State is your ministry?
What is the Zip Code of your ministry?
If you are not located in the United States, in what country are you located?
What are the full names of the Pastors and Staff members that we will be ministering with, and their positions/titles? *
John Smith - Senior Pastor
Mary Johnson - Pastoral Assistant

What is the full name of the Primary Contact person that we will work with for scheduling and any other questions?

What is the Email Address of the Primary Contact? *
What is the Phone Number of the Primary Contact? *
What type of event(s) with Real Love Ministries do you desire? *
Check all that apply
What is the proposed date (or dates) of the event that you are requesting Real Love Ministries to minister? *
If your request includes ministering at a Sunday morning and/or Sunday evening service, what are your service times?
If you have multiple Sunday morning services, please list all of the service times.

What is the website address and/or social media page(s) for your ministry?


What outlet do you prefer we lead people to that are inquiring about attending?


What attire is typical and/or required?


How many people will you expect to have in attendance?

This goes along with the following question in helping us accurately assess quantity

Would you like us to ship our book table resources in advance for availability of those attending?


If air travel is required, do you plan on providing reimbursement for airfare for Joel Reichlin?

When feasible, RLM will use United Airlines as their preferred airline.
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If air travel is required, what is the nearest airport to your location?

If air travel is not required, do you plan on providing any mileage reimbursement for Joel Reichlin?
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If an overnight stay is required, do you plan on providing reimbursement for a hotel room for Joel Reichlin?
When feasible, RLM will use a Marriott brand hotel as their preferred hotel.
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