2023 UMTR Annual Banquet Invitation
Please RSVP if you will be attending the UMTR Annual Banquet on Saturday November 18, 2023, at Hope Church (7910 15th St. N. Oakdale, MN 55128)

The gathering starts at 5:30 with the program beginning at 6:30. Our special guest, joining us virtually, will be Harvey Lewis!

Hope to see you soon.

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Important Notes about This Year

Gear Swap! This is a great opportunity to re-home functional equipment that you're no longer using, or find some new-to-you trail-tested gems. 

There will be door Prizes this year including gear, races entries, and other swag

We are also bringing back the Potluck!  Please list, if possible, the type of dish you can bring

First and last name *
Are you bringing a guest (who is not RSVP'ing on their own)?
Do you have any questions you would like asked of our guest?
List, if possible, the type of dish you can bring (salad, entree, desert, etc)
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