Journalism Safety Research Network: Sign up to a Regional Working Group 
The JSRN is in the process of establishing Regional Working Groups (RWGs) to provide a space for members to connect and network and is intended to support the building of research capacity and quality while aiming to strengthen the community of researchers working on issues of safety across the different regions of the world.
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Last Name *
Email Address *
Name of Institution/Organisation *
Profession/Title *
Would you be interested in joining a RWG? *
Which RWG would you be interested in joining? (You can join more than one)  *
Would you be interested in receiving the JSRN/CFOM newsletter? 
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The information you supply will be held by the Centre for the Freedom of the Media based in the Department of Journalism Studies at the University of Sheffield. This information will be used for administrative and network purposes within the terms of the Data Protection Act. We will not supply your data to third parties unless we have your consent to do so or it is otherwise authorised under the Data Protection Act. The information will be accessible to those within the Journalism Safety Research Network, and CFOM, and will be held by CFOM until you instruct us to remove it. You can request removal of your details by emailing                                                                     Please tick this box to show that you have read and understood this statement.                                          
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