What Moves Everett Community Fair Volunteer Signup Form
Thank you for volunteering for the What Moves Everett event on Saturday, June 8 (rain date June 9)! You are helping to make a positive impact in the Everett community, and it is greatly appreciated!

Please fill out this form and we will contact you. 

If you have any questions, feel free to email info@gogreenstreets.org or call/text 617-299-1872. 

-The What Moves Everett Event Planning Team
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Name  *
Email *
Phone number *
What is the easiest way for us to reach you? *
Are you an Everett student? (If so, you will receive credit for community service hours.) *
The event will be on June 8 with a rain date of June 9. (If there is rain in the forecast, the event team will notify you of cancellations on Thursday, June 6.) 

In the event of a rain cancelation, are you available on June 9?  
What times are you available to volunteer? (We assume 2-hour shifts, but if you can stay for the whole event, we welcome that too -- just check both boxes!) *
What would you like to help us with? (You can check off multiple boxes!) *
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