JAC Growth Groups
Complete this form to express interest in joining a Growth Group. The information submitted will go to our grow pastor, James Sneddon and may be passed on to a Growth Group leader for the purposes of inviting you to their group.

There are range of groups that meet during the week, at different times. We do our best to run groups across a range of times/days. However, we can't guarantee that a group will be meeting at your preferred time. For this reason, it is best if you can nominate a range of preferences below, according to your availability. 

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name *
Email Address
Phone Number
Which gathering do you normally attend? *
I would prefer to be part of a group which meets: *
I would prefer to be part of a group which meets on these days (please select all the days you are available): *
Do you need assistance with transport?
Do you have any other comments, requests or preferences about your involvement in a Growth Group?
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