The Foundation for Excellence is providing funding for professional staff mini-grants designed to promote positive programs, which will create a climate of excellence for the students, faculty and staff of the St. Johns Public Schools.
Grants will be awarded in amounts ranging from $50 to $600. These funds should be directed toward projects not fundable through the normal budget process, but which would provide valuable support for improved student achievement and learning experience. St. Johns Schools Foundation of Excellence will review all grants.
Grant narratives should include, but are not limited to the follow criteria:
- benefit to student achievement
- equity
- curriculum support
- reasonable goal
- need
- appropriate materials
- creativity
- appropriate methods of evaluation
Approval for grants will be based on this criteria. A final report summary must be submitted within three (3) months of implementing the project. Pictures are encouraged.
Excellence, as defined by the Foundation for Excellence, includes materials, services, events, and enrichment that extends or goes above and beyond the existing or mandated topics and activities at the classroom, school building, or district-wide level. So proposals to replace materials, refill consumables, or matters tied to mandated subjects and lessons belong to the district’s budget, rather than the Foundations.
Mini-Grant proposals will be accepted throughout the year. The following recommendations have been established to allow time for request processing:
- 1st Trimester (Aug - Nov) submit by May 10 of previous school year
- 2nd Trimester (Nov - Mar) submit by Oct 10 of current school year
- 3rd Trimester (Mar - June) submit by Feb 10 of current school year