To help keep students as safe as possible, RVHS students are not allowed to walk off campus at any time. Parents/guardians of 10th grade students can give permission for their child to leave campus with the expectation that they are following the local and state driving laws. We are trying to ensure that students are being as safe as possible during the school day when leaving and returning to our campus.
By filling out this electronic form, I agree to the terms and responsibilities stated in this form and I understand that if my child's actions violate a criminal law or school rule, they will lose off campus privileges. Also, I understand that violations of these rules may result in suspension or revocation of my child's parking privileges (if applicable), referral to law enforcement authorities and/or school disciplinary actions.
Once this form in completed, your student will receive an 'off-campus' sticker to put on their ID. They can obtain these in the front office.
September 01, is the first day this available.