Potion Class Quiz
You read about the potions used in Harry Potter series, now it is time to check up your memory. Read attentively the questions and statements and choose the best answers.
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Write your name, house and country abbreviation. For e.g. Ana, Courage MD *
Amortentia is a ... *
1 point
Confusion Concotion is a ... *
1 point
Draught of Peace is a ... *
1 point
Felix Felicis is a ... *
1 point
It changes the appearance of the person who drinks it into someone else. *
1 point
It can regrow missing or removed bones. *
1 point
It improves health, relieves coughs and colds. *
1 point
It forces anyone to respond to any question with the truth. *
1 point
Draught of Living Death is a potion that... *
1 point
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