NRC Club Day - Sunday 16 June 2024
Join club members for an adventure along the new horse track from Rough Island through to the beach at Rabbit Island.

Park on the estuary side of the carpark area.  Be ready to ride at 10am.  We'll be riding down the track towards the beach, along the beach and then back up the track to the float park.

Organiser / Health & Safety Official - Emma

First Aider / Medic - Natasha

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Rider Name *
Rider contact phone number *
Emergency contact name and phone *
First Aider - I am able to assist with first aid at this event if circumstances require.
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Main Identified Risks and Hazards
  • Horse movements, handling and riding activities
  • Moving vehicles
  • Animals (livestock and domestic) - loose or contained
  • Tracks and roadworks including slopes, ditches, waterways, public roads, drains and inclines
  • Other persons on site including other contractors, public, landowners
  • Climate / environmental conditions
Conditions of attending 
  1. By clicking "I Accept" participants accept and understand the risks / hazards as identified above
  2. Participants are responsible for ensuring any accompanying attendees comply with NRC Health & Safety Policy and Procedures (a copy of this can be found on the NRC website)
  3. Participants ride at their own risk and are expected to take part within their own and their horses limitations
  4. Nelson Riding Club Inc, accept no responsibility for injury, loss or damage to property or belongings, horse or pony, participant or spectator
  5. Approved undamaged horse riding helmet must be worn whenever mounted.  Back-protectors are strongly recommended
  6. Event organiser is the Health & Safety Official for this event and they reserve the right at their own discretion to cancel or stop the event, state specific take requirements for any event in the interest of health and safety and/or restrict or remove any horse or participant they deem to be unsafe
Be clicking I accept I confirm that I understand that I am participating at my own risk and will not hold Nelson Riding Club, the landowners, the landowners, the members or helpers responsible for any accident, loss or damage that may occur. *
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