This is the registration form for the 4th IAG Science Day. Write down the dates on your agenda: October 22th and 23th, 2019.
This event is an opportunity for all IAG members to present a concise summary of their research to all the other members of our institute.
- Undergraduate students, graduate students, post-docs and professors are invited to present their contribution
- Everyone is invited to attend
- 4-minute presentations followed by 1-minute questions from the audience
- Be concise and to the point!
- All members are treated equally, regardless of their position
- Slides should preferably be in English
- Presentations can be either in English or in Portuguese
- It is preferable that all presentations are in pdf. Exceptions to accommodate videos, etc. will be considered.
- Long coffee-breaks will be served to allow plenty of time for discussion
It is advisable to practice your talks and make sure that you can say what you want to say within 4 minutes. But you can also deliver an impromptu speech and just keep talking until your time is up. The idea is to present and discuss our research projects in a constructive and relaxed environment.
If you have any questions, contact the LOC at