August 2024 Strategic Instruction Model (SIM) Professional Development for Montana Educators

We invite Montana teachers to register for a PD session on writing instruction or social skills. We highly recommend participating in only one PD at a time.

PD Benefits

Thanks to funding from the Educational Promise Foundation, there is no cost to Montana teachers to participate. All PD sessions come with instructor materials and, in some cases, student materials. Participating teachers will receive OPI renewal units, and MSUB graduate credit is available (cost per credit: $50 paid by teacher; $49 cost paid by our project). Participants are also invited to earn SIM micro-credentials.

PD Process

All sessions have a Register By deadline after which we will email a Doodle Poll to participating teachers to select the date of the first Launch Session led by a certified SIM Professional Developer to be held for 1.5 hours on Zoom. After the Launch Session, participants will have about three weeks to complete a set of self-paced, self-guided professional learning activities in Canvas. Then, the group will meet on Zoom again for a follow-up session to discuss learning thus far. Participants will complete additional sections in Canvas and finally meet with their SIM Professional Developer in an individual coaching session.

Please see the flyer for more details

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First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
I am registering for the following Auguest 2024 Session(s), registration deadline July 15:
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Name of your Workplace
Mailing Address 1 (No PO Boxes) *
Mailing Address 2
City, STATE *
Zip Code *
Phone Number (for shipping purposes) *
I am: *
I am interested in receiving OPI Professional Development credit for the course.
I am interested in receiving MSU - Billings graduate credit for the course. (Interested teachers will need to pay $50 per credit and the project will pay $49 per credit.)
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