Virtual Field Trip with Student Workshop Registration Request Form 
Please complete this form to request a Nature Museum Virtual Field Trip with Student Workshop.

To ensure the quality of the interactive virtual field trip experience, schools may not combine multiple classrooms into one workshop. Groups with workshops exceeding the maximum number of 30 participants without prior approval will be charged for an additional workshop.

Cost: Standard rate is $120/45-minute workshop.

Payment: Due 14 days prior to the program(s) date, or the program will be canceled.

All requests must be submitted at least 14 days before your requested program dates. Requested dates and times are subject to availability. We will notify you when your scheduled program is confirmed.

After you've submitted a request form, we will process your request within five business days. Once we've booked your virtual field trip, we will send you a confirmation email. Your virtual field trip is not confirmed until you've received this email.
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Primary Contact Information
Teacher/Contact First Name: *
Teacher/Contact Last Name: *
Teacher/Contact Email: *
You will receive your Virtual Field Trip confirmation and guide via this email address. Please provide the email at which you wish to receive all of the details regarding your Virtual Field Trip with a Student Workshop including the asynchronous pre and post activities in the guide.
Primary/Cell Phone Number: *
Full School/Organization Name: *
School/Organization Street Address: *
School/Organization City: *
School/Organization State: *
School/Organization Zip: *
Principal/Administrator Full Name: *
Principal/Administrator Email: *
School/Organization Phone Number: *
Which of the following options best describes your group? *
Not sure? Find you school district here: If the following selections do not apply to you, use the "other" option to fill in community based organization, learning pod, home school, or other non-district affiliated response.
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