《佩戴解脫輪》Wheel of Liberation upon Wearing

The Benefits of Wheel of Liberation upon Wearing

The ultimate pith instruction of Great Perfection (Dzogchen), rare skillful means of attaining Buddhahood without meditation, the Tantra of the Buddha’s Single Son as manifested by Dharmakaya Samanthabadra, Liberation upon Wearing has been made by the lineage of all vidyādharas, which is traced back to Garab Dorje the Great vidyādhara. It is capable of causing the meeting of mother and child luminosities of countless sentient beings with sufficient merit and creating the causes of the irreversible state of Dharmakaya. As Samanthabadra promises, “ As long as samsara remains, Wheels of Liberation upon Wearing automatically generate endless enlightened activities, enabling all sentient beings to attain full enlightenment.”  
Regarding the benefits of Wheels of Liberation upon Wearing, just as Liberation upon Wearing Tantra says, “Upholding Wheels of Liberation upon Wearing, the wearers’ negative karma and obstructions decrease and lifespan and well-being are enhanced. Their unconditioned wisdom waxes and they become the sole heirs to all Buddhas. Even the mere possession of the Wheel liberates sinners, let alone those who practice sufficiently.”  
“Wearers of the Wheel of Liberation upon Wearing are acknowledged as their children and blessed by all the Buddhas, recognized as siblings and granted common and extraordinary siddhis by all the Yidam deities, accepted by all the Dakas and Dakinis as their kin and cleared of all their inner, outer and secret obstacles and viewed by all the Dharma protectors as their masters with their activities performed. Gradually all their negative karma and obstacles will be exhausted and their positive karma and merit furthered. When they die, their mother and child luminosities unite, just as space dissolves into space and Buddhahood is thus attained.” The above mentioned are vajra words by Dharmakaya Samanthabadra, Sambhogakaya Garab Dorje and Nirmanakaya Padmasambhava.  
With the pure motivation to benefit both self and others, Wheels of Liberation upon Wearing were meticulously made with such holy substances as objects blessed by lineage masters, holy relics as well as Dharanis. If those with sufficient merit can uphold the Wheels or help others uphold the Wheels with devotion and pure, joyous faith, they will, owing to their diligence in benefiting others, their cherishing this precious human rebirth and encountering the supreme Vajrayana teachings of Great Perfection (Dzogchen), become the family of Samanthabadra’s enlightened activities which uproot samsara.  

蓮師使者 札昂林巴大取藏士之血脈傳承、教法傳承、祖古傳承者─祖古 貝瑪仁增 書  
Tulku Pema Rigzin,  
lineage holder of the bloodline, teachings as well as reincarnations of Padmasambhava’s messenger, Drag Nghag Lingpa

How to obtain the Wheel of Liberation upon Wearing
1 網路登記 register at the website
2 電話申請 call and apply
+886 0936-893-153 黃師姐 Ms. Huang
Price: one piece :NTD 2500
運費另計500元 Sending fee NTD500

付款方式 How to donation
華南銀行中崙分行  銀行代碼008  
戶名:Pema Rigzin
Hua Nan Commercial Bank
Bank address:No.145, Pateh RD., Sec.3, Taipei, Taiwan
Account Number: 116-20-053201-7
Account Name :Pema Rigzin

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