VENDOR Partner  Application
 Nappywood™,   presents Waves and Curls "They Not like Us" Beach Takeover during Labor Day Weekend on
Sunday, September 1st , 2024  11AM - 8PM at Inkwell Beach in Santa Monica.

 Join us for a unique curated day of self-care, connection, and fun at the beach! This is a fantastic opportunity to meet new people, share your services, products, or resources, and simply enjoy a relaxing day by the ocean.
 For more info: or Call 818-430-0362. 
Cash sales are not permitted on the beach, so it's an opportunity to sample or showcase your product or service, grow your database and meet new potential clients. There is pre and post advertising online and radio time on KJLH, KCRW & KBLA Radio to spread the word. We will have a photographer and videographer to capture professional images for your brand's content. Let's collaborate together and grow together..  We're all one tribe. Let's Go!

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