Lahaina Love Reservation
The Rotary Club of Calabasas Charitable Foundation is holding a benefit to provide direct financial assistance to individuals and families who have been devastated by the Maui fires.  100% of proceeds will be donated towards the humanitarian support for the needs of the people.

This event will be an evening of 'Live Entertainment', Dinner Fest, and special activities.  Come join us for an evening of 'aloha spirit of giving to those in need'.  There will be Live and Silent Auction.  The Sagebrush will create a specialty tropical drink in honor of Maui.

We have other opportunities to help:
    Opportunity for Sponsorship
    Donate a Live or Silent Auction Item
           Donate Auction Items
    Donate directly
Where:  Sagebrush Cantina
              23527 Calabasas Rd, Calabasas, CA 91302

When:   Tuesday, September 26, 2023
                  Doors Open:  5:00pm      Event Starts:  6:00pm

Costs:   $100 per ticket
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