SISS Course - Understanding consumers
Preference, emotions, expectations, individual differences, contexts and product characterisation.
June 13-15th, 2018
Grand Hotel Minerva, Florence - Italy
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Details for the receipt/invoice *
Please specify the details for the receipt of payment (company name, address, VAT)
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Registration fee *
Please consider that registration fees are VAT exempt transaction pursuant to art. 4, DPR 633/72.
Module R-lab (Optional) *
No extra fee is required to register to this module
Reduced rate for SISS/E3S members *
Please state which national sensory science society (E3S member) you are member of in 2018 for the elegibility to the reduced rate reserved to E3S members
Please consider that documents to support the information for the eligibility criteria for the discount have to be sent to
If you have a special diet, please specify
BANK TRANSFER TO: Società Italiana di Scienze Sensoriali

Bank: Unicredit Banca di Roma - Agenzia Firenze Redi
viale Redi, 41/L Firenze - Italy

IBAN: IT 17 N 02008 02829 000400324336
Swift code: UNCRITM1RO0


Receipt of payment will be provided the first day of the course.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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