Thank you so much for being willing to be open and candid with me. I know I've already used "the D word" and made you cringe (I'm sorry!) and I apologize in advance for how twitchy and uncomfortable some of these questions may prove to be for you. My suggestion? Have some tissues, a cup of something warm, and maybe a pet nearby as you fill this out.
Your answers are acting as research for a book I'm writing about the fears surrounding dental work, though I promise to be as discrete as you prefer. Please do not hesitate to use a fake name on this form, and feel zero pressure in providing an email if the idea makes you uncomfortable. Know that I share this fear with you and respect how difficult this is, and I am endlessly grateful for your participation. If, however, you do provide a form of contact and this book becomes a reality, I'd love to reach out to you at a later date so that I can share it with you!
Just answer each of the questions to the best of your ability, be as candid as you are able, and remember that there are no wrong answers. If you have any questions for me or have anything else to share, please reach out via email at THANK YOU, from my whole heart.
xx, Jenn