Ayahuasca Preparation & Integration Coaching Initial Discovery Call
🌿Hello there and thank you so much for your interest in Ayahuasca Preparation & Integration.

My name is Ayahuasca Kaur and I am so happy to meet you!

I'm a Trauma - Informed Ayahuasca Preparation & Integration Coach. My coaching practice is a culmination of being in the mental health field for 10 + years, a therapist for 7 + years, an alternative healing practitioner for 5+ years, and having extensive experience with preparing for + integrating Ayahuasca experiences. 

I have experience over 50+ Ayahuasca experiences and my practice with Ayahuasca continues on a personal and a professional level for me. 

This medicine has assisted me in healing & transforming deeply and so have the tools, techniques, and frameworks that I have learned along the way.

I assist individuals in preparing for their journey ahead with Ayahuasca as well as unpacking their experiences when they come back home. In addition, I assist those who are recovering from very challenging experiences in medicine spaces as well as mentoring those who desire to step into their gifts as being a coach, facilitator, a healer, or a person who wants to be of service in some sort of capacity. 

I utilize Mindfulness, Breathwork, Internal Family Systems, Somatic Awareness, & EMDR in my approach. As well as creating a safe container for the individual. One of my highest values is integrity.

I particularly enjoy working with individuals in healing childhood trauma, anxiety, transitions, co-dependency, perfectionism, navigating transpersonal experiences, cultivating self-love & self-worth, and manifesting their soul's purpose.

I am here to serve, provide value, and support you in this incredible and sacred work.

Directions for form & requesting a consultation call: Please answer the questions below and we will set up a phone call to talk more about your interests, needs, and goals. I am so excited to support you in this journey!

After you fill out this form we will find a time that works for both of us to meet. I am in Arizona, so keep that in mind for purposes of time zone. We will then meet virtually to get to know each other, understand your needs, and create a plan that you feel good about.

I am looking forward to supporting you in your inward journey.

Prices for 1:1 services: Throughout the year I offer group programs throughout the year as well as meeting with people 1:1 exclusively. 

As of right now my prices to work one on one is a 3 month commitment for $1300, this includes weekly 50 minute sessions. 

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Where did you find out about my work?
What is/are your top priorities right now
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What are your current goals right now in terms of transformation, healing, and life purpose?
What do you feel like you are struggling with the most?
Thank you so much for filling out the form. I will be in touch with you shortly! And feel free to watch this welcome video! :)
Welcome Video
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