California’s people are its most treasured resource. A diverse panel pool ensures the integrity of our grant review process for all applicants, representative of our state’s racial, ethnic, and gender identities; eclectic geography; and wealth of organizations, perspectives, and knowledge.

Eligible applicants will be included in a panelist pool to be approved by the Council in the months prior to the 2022 grant panel season. A small number of panelists from the approved panel pool will be confirmed by staff to serve on specific grant panels based on programmatic needs.

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Applications submitted may be considered for either Grant Cycle A or Grant Cycle B review panels in 2022.

Panelists selected to serve during the 2022 grant season will be contacted by CAC staff between March and July.

Panelists must meet the following criteria:

A California resident
Ability to independently assess the strengths and weaknesses of up to sixty (60) applications based on a grant program’s published review criteria
Capacity to take part in three (3) mandatory virtual group meetings

Note: Information submitted in this application will be partially accessible via the CAC website and documents generated for the public meetings of the Arts Council. Please consider the content of the First Name, Last Name, City, County, Organization Affiliation, and Biography fields prior to submission.

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First Name *
Last Name *
Gender Pronouns *
they/them/theirs, she/her/hers, he/him/his, etc.
Email *
Phone Number *
Mailing Address *
City *
ZIP Code *
County *
California County List by ZIP Code:
Organization Affiliation *
Job Title *
Biography (1250 character maximum) *
A brief bio should include qualifications and experiences relevant to the arts and/or cultural communities.  
Please describe your relationship to or understanding of working in historically underrepresented communities. (1250 character maximum) *
Have you ever applied for a CAC grant? If yes, have you ever received a CAC grant? *
Have you served on a CAC panel in the past? If yes, how long ago? *
Panel Pool Survey
In order to best represent the arts and culture ecology of California, we are seeking a balanced pool of potential panelists. To that effort, please answer the following questions — you may decline to state if you so choose.

Any information you provide will be used to ensure the integrity of our grant review process for all applicants, representative of our state’s racial, ethnic, and gender identities; eclectic geography; and wealth of organizations, perspectives, and knowledge.

The information in the survey may be shared publicly in aggregate to evaluate the representation of the panelist pool by CAC staff.
Gender Identity *
Race/Ethnicity: Choose how you most strongly identify; select all that apply. *
If you identify in the above question as Native American/Indigenous, you may list your tribal affiliation(s) here.
Age Range *
Other Identifiers: Select all that apply. *
Primary Artistic Area of Experience: Choose one primary area. *
Primary Area of Experience: Choose one primary area. *
Secondary Area of Experience: Choose one primary area. *
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