2024-2025 Millington High School Bands Official Handbook And Registration
Parent(s)/Guardian(s) and students, please read the band handbook information below. If you would like a hardcopy of the band handbook, please email Mr. Smith or Mr. Arnold. 
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I. Director Information

Kreston Smith, Director of Bands

Email: ksmith@millingtonschools.org

Office Phone: 901-873-5424

Aaron Arnold, Assistant Director of Bands

Email: aarnold@millingtonschools.org

Office Phone: 901-873-5424

From the directors, 

We would like to take this opportunity to welcome all students and their parents to the Millington Central Band program. This handbook contains vital information about the band program. It is very important that you read and understand it. Please put this handbook in a safe place so that you can refer to it later. Please read through this entire handbook and familiarize yourself with all the details of being a member of the band.  Following the guidelines in this handbook will bring about fantastic rewards that come with being a musician in our program. You will experience a great sense of pride, accomplishment, self-satisfaction, and a whole lot of fun.  Please contact us anytime, if you have any questions at ksmith@millingtonschools.org or aarnold@millingtonschools.org

II. Band Expenses 

Band operating expenses include, but are not limited to:

  1. School bus travel & trailer hauling expenses to games, & field trips.

  2. Sheet Music.

  3. Staff specialists.

  4. Percussion heads.

  5. Instrument repairs.

  6. Registration fees for festivals and honor bands.

  7. Office expenses: mailing, phone and copying.

  8. Band t-shirts.

  9. Band gym shorts. 

  10. Band shoes. 

  11. Band gloves. 

  12. Band pants. 

  13. Band jacket. 

Band fees: $300

Option 1: Pay $150 deposit by May 12, 2024 and the remaining $150 by the week of July 29, 2024.

Option 2: Pay $150 deposit by April 15, 2024, pay $75 by May 12, 2024, and the remaining $75 by the week of July 29, 2024.   

(If you have financial hardship, please ENROLL regardless.  Alternative Payment arrangements will be made on a case by case basis.)

You may send a check to school with your student(s) or mail the payment(s) to Millington Central Middle High School, 8050 West Street, Millington, TN 38053. Make checks payable to the Millington Central High School Band. 

(Due to additional contracted staff, sheet music and band uniform expenses, band fees are non-refundable.)

III. General Information 
The Band classes at Millington Central Middle High School are performance based. We will be playing our instruments daily and performing music that utilizes the skills learned from our method books, technique books and band music.  It is our expectation that students will come prepared to class with their instrument and required supplies everyday so that we all may improve as an ensemble. Without the cooperation of every student, our band will not improve. This also means that regular practice outside of the classroom is essential to the progress of our ensembles. 

Grades, expectations and requirements for all ensembles are essentially the same. 

  • All band students are required to have good attendance and academics in all classes. Disciplinary records, failing grades and attendance issues are not acceptable. Band students are school leaders and must set an example for our school. Students not meeting these expectations are subject to being removed from the Millington Band Program per Mr. Smith, Mr. Arnold and MCMHS Administration.

  • Students are to be on time with all their necessary materials. 

  • Their instruments are to be in good working condition. 

  • Brass players are to have valves and slides oiled and greased prior to rehearsal.

  • Reed players are to have at least 5 reeds that they alternate. (One for every school day.)

  • In addition, all students are responsible for the fundamental musical information they have learned in class and for maintaining high level habits of musicianship. Those include:

    • Good attendance

    • Good rehearsal behavior and skills

    • Show respect to yourself, the band directors, staff, other band members and most importantly, the music!  

    • Homework for the band is individual practice.  

    • It is imperative for students to create and adhere to a good practice routine. Occasionally, a situation may arise where a student is showing great promise and may be moved up to take the spot of a student who is not performing to expectations. These are performance based classes and the success of the ensemble is directly related to the work ethic of the individual.

  • Grades are based on the following:

    • Performance and Participation -  40%

    • Attendance at any performance, rehearsal, and ANY event the band is playing. - 40%

    • Playing Tests - 20%

IV. Supply Lists
  1. Case name tag – Each instrument case is to be labeled with a name tag. (Amro will provide these for free.)

The following supplies may be ordered online from wwbw.com, Bartlett Music 901-213-4262 or Amro Music - 323-8888. 

All companies will ship to your home.

Woodwinds (Flute, Clarinet, Oboe, Bassoon, Saxophone):

  1. 5 reeds (Reed strength of 3)

  2. Cork grease

  3. Reed guard (Rico reed guard for your instrument)

Brass (Trumpet, French Horn, Trombone, Baritone, Tuba):

  1. Valve oil

  2. Tuning slide grease

  3. Slide oil

  4. Small travel size spray bottle with water. (Trombones only)

  5. Cleaning/polishing cloth

All Percussion: 

  1. Marimba mallets: (IP-240 or equivalent medium yarn mallets)

  2. Xylophone mallets: (IP or equivalent hard plastic)           

  3. Snare sticks: 2 pairs at ALL times: Innovative Percussion LD or Vic Firth SD1. (No nylon tip or bargain bin sticks.)

  4. Timpani mallets: 1 pair (IP GT-3 or equivalent)

  5. Stick bag (Must be able to hold all sticks and mallets comfortably)

  6. Drum pad

V. Grading Policy

Playing Tests: (25% = Test Grades / 10% = Homework Grade)

Playing tests are given during each grading period.

In addition to grading, these tests determine chair placements within the ensemble. Chair placements also are based upon attitude, behavior, and work ethic.

Written Tests: (15% = Quiz Grades)

Students will be assigned written theory and essay tests during the semester. These tests count as a test grade. 

Participation Grade: (40% Large Group Activities = Classroom Grade / 10% for Small Group = Project Grade)

Students receive a participation grade in class and for performances. Deductions are given to grade for missing supplies and lack of effort. A poor attitude during practice and performances also result in reduction of grade. Participation includes attendance at all events, rehearsals, performances, practice etc. This INCLUDES Parades, games, pep rallies, concerts, community events, and more.

Concert Etiquette: (Included in Participation Grade and PlayingTest grade Percentages)

Students will receive 100 points for participating in concerts as a test grade. If a student fails to attend the concert without giving Mr. Smith or Mr. Arnold  a written note before the concert, the student will receive a failing grade. We will suspend this policy in the case of an emergency only. Students who provided a written note have an opportunity to make up these points by writing an essay paper on a topic of Mr. Smith’s or Mr. Arnold’s  choosing, due one week after the concert. The paper will be graded on content, organization, sentence fluency, and conventions.

VI. Behavior

We are very fortunate to be helping students mature, grow, and become leaders through the medium of music. Therefore, we have a very structured way of doing things in our program. A daily journal is kept for class. Students having trouble staying on task will  have a journal entry. Discipline applies to school and event attendance, academic grades, and behavior.


  1. Students receive the following three warnings:

    1. First warning – Student’s name, date, time and offense written in record notebook. If necessary, write-offs or physical conditioning will be administered. Private conversation with the student about their behavior.

    2. Second warning - Same as above, and parent/guardian will be called.

    3. Third warning - The student will be removed from class with a referral to administration and parent/guardian will be called. 

      1. Any student refusing to cooperate and adhere to the rules will be subject to being eliminated from the band program per Mr. Smith, Mr. Arnold  and MCMHS Administration.


  1. Students will be recognized for good leadership skills, proper work ethic, and attitude.

  2. Leadership choices, privileges, and band awards will be chosen based on this documentation.

Classroom Rules: Millington Municipal Schools rules and school dress code shall be followed at all times.

  1. No Cellphones at any time, unless Mr. Smith or Mr. Arnold gives permission for use. They must be stored away via the MCMHS policy.

  2. You must arrive at class on time, be in your seat with music, instruments, and supplies 2 minutes after the bell rings.

  3. No gum, candy, food, or drinks allowed in the classroom.

  4. Raise your hand to be recognized before speaking.

  5. Be considerate of others.

  6. Do not play, touch or hold any instrument other than your own. If it does not belong to you, DO NOT TOUCH IT!!!!

  7. Treat others as you would like to be treated. 

  8. Defacing school property such as stands, chairs, or walls is considered vandalism and will be treated as such.

  9. "Horseplay" will not be allowed (example: running, hitting, shoving).

  10. Non-band students are not allowed in the band hall.

  11. Equipment and supplies are stored at the end of every rehearsal. 

VII. Band Equipment

In order to best take care of an instrument, students should never allow another person to handle or play their instruments, and never leave the instrument unattended. YOU ARE TOTALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR INSTRUMENT. 

School-Owned Instruments 

  • Some of the more expensive and larger Instruments may be checked out through the school. The student is required to perform normal maintenance and cleaning of the instrument while it is in his/her possession. Any repair work needed should be brought to the attention of the directors as soon as possible. Repair for damage that is a result of abuse is the financial responsibility of the student who was issued the instrument. Instruments must be stored and transported in their cases. These instruments belong to the school and must be returned each year and re-checked out for the season.

Student/Parent-Owned Instruments 
  • Students are responsible for the care of personal owned or rented instruments. Millington Municipal Schools nor its employees are responsible for personal equipment lost or stolen at school or at activities related to band.
VIII. Instrument Storage

All band students will use a storage compartment (cubbies) for instruments, music, and binders. The storage cubbies are for band materials only. Any other items will be lost and found or discarded.

IX. Tardy Policy
Students need to consistently be on time to class. Tardies are marked starting two minutes after the bell rings. School policies will be enforced for excessive tardies to rehearsals.
X. Absences
Please do not schedule a doctor appointment, makeup test or project for another class during class band time or performances. Please see Mr. Smith or Mr. Arnold if there is an extreme issue. *If leaving performances or rehearsals early, students must have a written letter/note from parent or guardian stating they are leaving and the letter/note must be hand-delivered to one of the directors.*
XI. Concert Attire

All Millington Band students will need to wear the following at any performance, if not wearing the full band uniform. 

 Gentlemen will wear the following:

  • Plain, long sleeve, black button down dress shirt with black undershirt. (NO T-shirts)

  • Plain, black dress pants with black belt. (NO jeans, not even black jeans or sweatpants)

  • Black dress shoes with long black socks (NO sneakers, boots or flip flops)

Ladies will wear the following:

  • Long Black dress with black stockings ( NO dresses above the knee or low cut)

  • Black Dress pants are okay, but LEGGINGS ARE NOT ALLOWED per MMS Student Handbook and MCMHS Policy.

  • Black dress shoes (NO sneakers, boots or flip flops)

XII. Dismissals 
Dismissal times will be officially announced through remind 101. Student(s) must be picked up within 30 minutes of announced dismissal times. Any student that is not picked up within 30 minutes after the announced dismissal time is subject to be picked up by the Millington Police Department and/or turned over to MCMHS administration.
XIII. Communication And Calendar

Please check our band website regularly for an updated calendar.

Dates are subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances and additional opportunities being announced.

Millington High School Bands Communication

For communication, we will be using Parent Square. Be sure to get registered for Parent Square if you have not already done so. 


Kreston Smith - Director of Bands: ksmith@millingtonschools.org

Aaron Arnold - Assistant Director of Bandsaarnold@millingtonschools.org

Website: www.millingtonband.org

2024-2025 Millington Central Bands Calendar 

2024 Summer Band Camp (Pay $125 Deposit by May 12, 2024)


July 29th to August 2nd

6:00 Pm-8:30 Pm

  • Students will need to eat before showing up to band camp, and they need to bring snacks, towels, drinks, and personal hygiene. 

Band after-school rehearsal schedule:

Dates tbd, after school rehearsals will be announced once school begins.  

*Due to unforeseen circumstances, rehearsals may extend a little after their scheduled time. Thank you for understanding the value of instruction and the importance of completing a lesson sequence. Every effort will be made to avoid going later, but expect for students to be dismissed on time 99% of the time.

Date: July 29th - August 2nd

Time: 6:00 Pm - 8:30 Pm

Event: Band Camp

Location: MCMHS

Members: Pep Band

Date: August 23rd

Time: 5:30 Pm - 9:30 Pm

Event: Home Game Vs. SBA

Location: MCMHS

Members: Pep Band

Date: August 29th

Time: 6:00 Pm - 7:00 Pm

Event: Amro Rental Meeting

Location: MCMHS

Members: Anyone who wants to rent or upgrade their instrument. 

Date: August 30th

Time: 5:30 Pm - 9:30 Pm

Event: Away Game Vs. Munford

Location: MCMHS

Members: Pep Band

Date: September 6th 

Time: 5:30 Pm - 9:30 Pm

Event: Home Game Vs. Fayette 

Location: MCMHS

Members: Pep Band

Date: September 27th

Time: 5:30 Pm - 9:30 Pm

Event: Home Game Vs. Ridgeway

Location: MCMHS

Members: Pep Band

Date: October 25th

Time: 5:30 Pm - 9:30 Pm

Event: Home Game Vs. Brighton

Location: MCMHS

Members: Pep Band

Date: October 31st

Time: 5:30 Pm - 9:30 Pm

Event: Home Game Vs. Melrose (Thursday Game)

Location: MCMHS

Members: Pep Band

Date: November 2nd

Time: 9:00 Am - 11:30 Am

Event: Veterans Day Parade

Location: Millington Baskin Robbins

Members: Pep Band

Date: November 8th

Time: 5:30 Pm - 9:30 Pm

Event: Playoff Game

Location: TBD

Members: Pep Band

Date: November TBD

Time: TBD

Event: Band Pictures

Location: PAC

Members: Pep Band

Date: December 7th

Time: TBD

Event: Christmas Parade

Location: Millington Baskin Robbins

Members: Pep Band

Date: December 11th

Time: 2:00 Pm - 4:00 Pm

Event: Winter Concert Dress Rehearsal

Location: PAC

Members: All Millington Band Members

Date: December 12th

Time: 6:30 Pm

Event: Winter Concert

Location: PAC

Members: All Millington Band Members

Date: January TBD

Time: TBD

Event: All-West Auditions

Location: TBD

Members: Select Millington Band Members

Date: February TBD

Time: TBD

Event: All West Convention

Location: Renasant Convention Center

Members: Select Millington Band Members

Date: March TBD

Time: TBD

Event: Concert Festival

Location: TBD

Members: Symphonic Band And Intermediate Band

Date: April TBD

Time: TBD

Event: All State Convention

Location: Gaylord Opryland Hotel 

Members: Select Millington Band Members

Date: May TBD

Time: TBD

Event: Graduation

Location: MCMHS

Members: Symphonic Band

Date: May 5th

Time: 2:00 Pm - 4:00 Pm

Event: End Of Year Concert Dress Rehearsal

Location: PAC

Members: All Millington Band Members

Date: May 6th

Time: 6:30pm

Event: End Of Year Concert

Location: PAC

Members: All Millington Band Members

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