TCRG TO CEO RADIO is a mix of solo episodes and guest episodes. Some of these guest episodes provide the opportunity for teachers, studio owners, and aspiring teachers & studio owners to come on the show and experience live coaching from Courtney as podcast content.


* Serious applicants only  - you must be willing to have your open dialogue and coaching call recorded and broadcast as part of the podcast
* Time & Resources - plan to block off at least 60 minutes for your coaching call. You will need Skype and a working microphone (built in is okay) to complete your call and coaching session.
* Coaching - you must have a problem or struggle you wish to be coached through. Courtney will provide ideas, solutions, or guidance to move you through your selected issue. The podcast will be centered around the issue you submit in your application.


* Coaching calls are absolutely free - Courtney gives you personal coaching for no charge in exchange for a podcast review (Podcast App, Stitcher, etc) and sharing your episode to your social media.

Ready to apply? Complete the application below. If you have any questions, send them to
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Full Name: *
Location (State/Province/Country): *
Mobile Phone Number: *
Skype User Name: *
I am a .... *
If you answered other, please describe yourself:
My problem or struggle I'm facing is: *
I have the time and resources listed above: *
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