Library Instruction Request
Thank you for your interest in scheduling a library instruction session for your class.

Please fill out this form preferably at least a week in advance of your requested instruction session. A librarian will contact you to confirm the session and request that you add her to the course in Canvas. She will also request a copy of your assignment.

Note: Please plan to attend the entire session with your students. Successful library instruction depends upon active, in-class collaboration between the librarian and you as the content expert.

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Email *
Your name *
Course name and number *
Number of students *
Duration/type of library instruction *
Preferred date & time (please also include alternate date/time) *
Alternate date & time
(if preferred date is unavailable)
Zoom link for synchronous session OR Location for in person session (library or your classroom #)
What do you want them to learn from this library instruction session? Are there information sources or research skills you would like us to emphasize?
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