The Carroll Society - Application for Nomination, 2024
You are about to nominate the following individual as a candidate for membership into the Carroll Society, an organization for blind and vision impaired persons who demonstrate outstanding performance in their occupation or profession and serve as a positive role model. Please review the Guidelines for Nomination below before continuing with the nomination process.

Nominators are requested to obtain the permission of the candidate before submitting the nomination. A member of the awards committee may contact approved candidates, the nominator and the employer for further screening and information.
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Guidelines for Nomination
The ideal Carroll Society Member will excel in the following areas:

Productivity – Does this person satisfactorily produce what is expected? Please describe role.
Reliability – Can the employer depend on this person to do a good job in a timely fashion? Consider attendance and timeliness.
Cooperation – Does the individual work jointly with other employees when necessary to get the job done? Does he/she cooperate with supervisors or management when work needs to be accomplished, sometimes under challenging conditions?
Peer Relationship – How does the employee interact with co-workers? Has the employee been effective at presenting and demonstrating a positive, productive image of the worker who is blind? Please describe. Is this person a role model?
Independence – Does the employee work independently or do co-workers/supervisors assist on the job? Have any necessary adaptations for doing the job effectively been utilized by the employee?
Mobility – Has the employee made effective travel arrangements to arrive to work on time regularly? How well does the employee travel independently throughout the work area?
Adaptability – Has the employee had to overcome major obstacles in obtaining and keeping this job? Was the employee resourceful? Are adaptive devices used?
Longevity on Job –How long has the employee worked at this position and has it been long enough to validate a level of competency? Please indicate length of time at this job and any other jobs within the company. While preference is given to full time employment; employees should work at least 20 hours per week.
Other – Other characteristics will likely occur in certain individuals that may make them outstanding employees.

These should certainly be considered in evaluating the final candidates, as long as these merits contribute to the blind employee’s value to his/her employer and the positive image of a blind employee that this person projects to the others. Consider anecdotal samples to describe the candidate.

Self-employed candidates can be nominated by anyone familiar with the candidate’s performance. The nominator should include the names of other persons who will support this candidacy.
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