MATH3.0 : Evaluation for the teachers
Questionnaire for the teachers taking part in the Erasmus+ project
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What country are you from? *
What subject do you teach? *
What subjects were involved in the project in your school? *
How much time did you spend on the project per week ? *
Through classroom teaching or group work? *
Did the project cover existing areas/themes of your subject curriculum? *
Please, give some examples...
Was there interdisciplinary consultation and cross curricular cooperation between the teachers? *
Were you able to include subject materials from partner schools in your lessons? *
Please, give some examples...
Did you assess the students’ work? *
In what way did you assess the students’ work?
Was the cross curricular approach in the partner schools arranged in the same way as it was in your school? *
Please note any similarities or differences. What did you learn from them ? *
Has your teaching methodology changed since you became involved this project? *
Please, explain...
Do these maths & ICT activities could be responsible for a more active learning? *
Did you meet any difficulties when introducing these activities? *
Please, explain...
Did the students respond well to the new approach ? *
Do you feel more involved in school activities after taking part in MATHS3.0 ? *
Would you encourage colleagues to take part in European projects in the near future? *
Do you feel that this project has contributed to your *
After taking part in this project, do you have *
Have there been any difficulties in the teacher management of the project? *
If yes, how were these difficulties being dealt with?
Does the Erasmus project fit into the vision of the school? *
Is the Erasmus project a stand-alone project or part of an overall school strategy? *
Is the project integrated into normal school activities? *
What are the advantages for you as a result of your involvement in this project? *
What are the advantages for the school?
How many students were directly involved in the project ? *
Do other students profit from the project as well? *
Did the management team facilitate the task of the teachers involved/the development of the project? *
How did you disseminate the project to teachers and students in your school? *
How did you disseminate the project to parents and local community? *
Was the work plan and timetable clear for all partners? *
Was all relevant information available to all the partners? *
Was the distribution of tasks clear and realistic? *
Did we know each others’ technical possibilities well enough? *
Have you got the feeling that each partner is equally represented in the products? *
What was the most successful aspect in the project? *
What could have been improved? How? *
What would you change in your next project? *
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